Тема предавања: Social Emotional Learning and Beyond
Would you like to increase self-awareness, academic achievement, and positive behaviors both in and out of the classroom? Then, perhaps this workshop on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is what you are looking for.
SEL aims to help students better understand their thoughts and emotions, to become more self-aware, and to develop more empathy for others within their community and the world around them.
On this workshop you will develop an understanding and awareness of how to:
* Enhance students cognitive, social and emotional learning
* Develop students interpersonal and collaborative competencies
* Understand the importance of diversity and inclusivity and encouraging students as a learner resource
* Take away some practical ideas which can be easily adapted to your classroom.
Предавач: Moira Allen
Moira Allen is a teacher trainer with over 20 years of experience in bilingual education and English language teaching, specialising in CLIL methodologies and teaching approaches and strategies. Originally from County Galway in Ireland where she studied English and Sociology at NUIG, Moira is based in Seville and runs training courses and webinars for teachers and language learners. She also has a Masters in Bilingual Education from UPO University Seville and prior to her teaching career worked in Human Resources. Moira has worked across the full spectrum of ELT including over 12 years as a primary school teacher in an international school in Spain.
Предавање ће се одржати:
у петак, 7. фебруара 2025, са почетком у 19 часова,
Сава центар (салa МР20), Милентија Поповића 9, Београд.
Сви посетиоци предавања добиће промотивне примерке наших нових уџбеничких комплета The Story Garden 3 за 3. и Sprint 3 за 7. разред, занимљиве промотивне материјале и потврду о присуству.
Након предавања, уз пригодно послужење, предавач и представници Вулкан знања биће вам на располагању за сва питања.
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